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Peer Mentoring Software 101: The basics – Tyfy

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Are you planning to  run a mentoring program and curious to see what it’s for? Are you unsure about what you should expect to find in mentoring software?

In this blog, we will try to clarify what mentoring software really is. We’ll give you an idea of what you should expect from one, and guide you on how to decide on which one to get.

Let’s do it!


What is Peer Mentoring Software?


Peer Mentoring Software is a platform that facilitates easier management of a mentoring program by streamlining the time consuming administrative jobs. It can reduce staff time spent matching and monitoring a standard mentoring program. It assists with tasks such as matching and managing participants, providing resources, collecting feedback, tracking progress, and reporting, among others.


Why do I need Peer Mentoring Software?


For new college students, transitioning to university life is daunting. It can be scary. It’s a big change. Peer mentoring helps students connect with other students like them who can help them feel more at home while in college. This can be done through support, guidance and encouraging them to participate in activities or connect with other students at the school.

Peer mentoring is especially popular for transfer students, international students, who sometimes feel isolated from the rest of their peers. It can help keep at-risk students inspired and engaged by providing deeper support, creating a more successful student experience, and enabling students to gain valuable leadership experience as mentors.


How to choose the best Peer Mentoring Software?


Limited resources may be your school’s biggest challenge in delivering a world-class mentoring program for your students and alumni.
The old individualized approach of pairing off mentors with mentees does not scale in an era where more and more students and alumni are choosing to be a part of this process, whether for long-term, or flash mentoring.
‘Tyfy’ combines technology and big data to build mentor-mentee relationships in the thousands through automatic matching processes, while still providing the soft-touch of the old individualized, personal approach.


Tyfy Software Features


Automated matching: The Tyfy algorithm matches students with mentors based on shared experiences. Recommended mentors are displayed based on modules studied by the mentee, but mentees can also search for other key words relating to extra-curricular or pastoral experiences. This streamlined matching ensures mentors are well placed to help with queries, and that mentoring partnerships are efficient and genuinely useful.

Chat functions: Students can communicate privately with mentors directly through the Tyfy software from their phone, tablet or desktop. This enables them to access support remotely and at a time that is convenient to them.

Monitoring: All engagements can be reported by both the mentor and mentee using our report button. Students are encouraged to report behavioral and academic issues as well as any potential safeguarding concerns. Reports are sent directly to an academic administrator from the university, who can then review the conversation and act according to standard university procedure.

Forums: Students can communicate in a group setting using the forum function. Users can ‘tag in’ modules to streamline discussions.

Tyfy is proven to increase student engagement with their mentoring scheme by over 200%.




Whether it’s preparing students to pursue the career of their dreams or inspiring alumni to give back to their alma mater by helping students network within their chosen field, mentoring is very important for college students.

It’s a source of inspiration, confidence, and knowledge that will make their university experience memorable and more impactful than ever before.