Software Imaging

Software Imaging Charity Journey 2021 – The Power Of Giving

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Giving What We Can


In January 2021, Software Imaging wanted to give something back to the community. Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic had been felt close to home and as a company, Software Imaging were able to offer support and help to those who needed it.

The aim was to help a local charity where the team could be involved in fundraising events and giving up some of their own time to help volunteer throughout the year. Oxford Hospitals Charity were delighted to welcome Software Imaging onboard as a fundraising partner for the year.


About Oxford Hospitals Charity


Oxford Hospitals Charity help to transform care by funding the best medical equipment, research, training and facilities for their patients and staff. The donations they have received over the years have helped create the Cancer and Heart Centres in Oxford, the Brodey Cancer Centre at the Horton General, as well as the Oxford Children’s Hospital. They fund the very latest medical equipment, innovative research, and specialist medical training.

Donations have also transformed the hospital environment for their patients and dedicated staff – making wards and hospital spaces more welcoming and comfortable.


From the small things, like providing quality reclining chairs for cancer patients having lengthy chemotherapy, to larger projects, such as funding computerised surgical equipment to help our talented surgeons with the most complicated of operations, they are a local Oxford charity supporting their local hospitals.


To support a local charity who raised money and awareness for the local hospitals was something that Software Imaging could get onboard with. As this was a new venture for us in 2021, we set ourselves a modest target of raising between £500 to £1000 throughout the year and be involved in at least one volunteering event.


5 miles can make a difference


In March we took the opportunity to be part of the OX5 run. Normally this would take place at Blenheim Palace but due to the Covid19 restrictions in place it became a virtual event. As this was our first fund raising event there were enough keen volunteers to build a small team – who were willing to give the 5 miles a go!

We set ourselves a fundraising target of £250 and with the support of friend’s family and colleagues we hoped that we would achieve that target. Luckily, there were a lot of very generous people around who wanted to support such a great charity – we were able to absolutely smash the target by 365% and raised £913.


One of our team members made a tremendous effort of making people aware of what he was doing via social media – he managed to get his neighbors out into the street cheering him on. This then became a family event for him as he was able to enroll his children into collecting donations by walking past the crowds with a donation bucket.


The Magic of Christmas


During the festive period the charity also run a virtual ‘Give a Gift’ campaign. Donations helped to purchase toys and games for children spending an extended stay in hospital over Christmas. This year the campaign was extended to include the elderly to ensure they were not forgotten. Both campaigns were very successful, raising thousands of pounds for the charity.

We have very much enjoyed supporting Oxford Hospitals Charity during 2021 and looking forward to supporting them again during 2022.

If you are interested in donating or getting involved with the charity – please visit their website


Their OX5 Run at Blenheim Place is also just around the corner – If you would like to get involved there is still time to sign up, put in the training and support a great cause.