Software Imaging

Case Study

JEMS Environmental cleans up with TimeShift

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JEMS Environmental are one of the Uk’s leading environmental engineering companies based in south Wales providing leading edge services to the wastewater industry.

They have some of the UK’s leading skilled engineers that are highly trained delivering services around Biological and chemical Treatment.

JEMS offer extremely high standards of operation and maintenance to their clients, whilst specialising in electrical and mechanical engineering, process engineering and chemical and biological analysis. Along with design, installation, and commissioning services of new plant.


Software imaging and JEMS started discussion during the late summer of 2021. Our client faced with several employee challenges, due to the nature of their remote location and varied working environments. The growth of their business and consultant-based teams posed even more challenges as they were struggling to understand where employees and contractors were in the country whether they were on or off shift, hours of work that the employees were undertaking and distances they were traveling.

Reports on the nature of assignments they were engaged upon the issues and results tracking was also adding to major delivery business issues.

The use of excel spreadsheets for reporting across the business and the lack of systems integration meant that systems were not communicating with one another resulting in miss communication across the business and staff complaints around inconsistency with hours worked and payroll errors.

The Challenge

The challenge for our clients, continues to grow as they employ more and more staff both on a permanent and temporary basis, remote and varied work contracts/locations across the UK along with a 24hours a day operational team means that Excel and the management administration overhead needed a massive overhaul.

Staff will never be in the same location permanently, clocking in and out of shift is critical for health and safety reporting, management knowledge of where clock ins and outs actioned to assist with management reports and accounting. Business expense accounting, assisted by location knowledge and distance tracking.

The Solution

TimeShift Clock in /Out is our mobile solution that used location based intelligence to monitor the arrival and departure of any staff member. The tracking of the staff member ends at the threshold of the location and is only used whilst they remain on the know site location.

Alternatively, we also offer an RFID solution that invites the staff member to tap on entry and exit at site offices, effectively clocking in & out using their mobile handset. Both solutions have proved very effective and are in use with a number of major organisations both here in the UK and in Japan.

This is a fully scalable solution able to cater for the smallest of businesses with 1-10 staff all the way up to corporate organisations with 5000+ staff.

The Result

The results for onboarding TimeShift clock in/out the business has already experienced

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